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Angon Drage
19 participants

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  pikachu. Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 9:50

PUNAISE c'est trop bien fait ouai je te felicite C'EST TROP COOL BRAVO surtout continue comme !!!!!

Masculin Nombre de messages : 522
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2008
Localisation : Je c'est pas pour quoi cette question inutile ? :D

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  keroro Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 11:15

Tes anims sont trop bien faite, ça parrais presqu'impossible que se soit un

nouveau qui est fait ça !!! Moi qui suit néo, je trouve que mes

anims sont moins bien que toi. Appelle un Upgradeur, il te fera passer néo

ou peut être même deb' !!!

Masculin Nombre de messages : 58
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2008
Localisation : Bonne question ...

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Dreizen Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 12:17

Well, your animations are great. We can see you come from Dark Demon.
For the moment, I don't know where I can upgrad you.
I will see it with the others upgraders, I think you should go in "intermédiaire".

Masculin Nombre de messages : 4623
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2008

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Angon Drage Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 13:11

keroro a écrit:Tes anims sont trop bien faite, ça parrais presqu'impossible que se soit un

nouveau qui est fait ça !!! Moi qui suit néo, je trouve que mes

anims sont moins bien que toi. Appelle un Upgradeur, il te fera passer néo

ou peut être même deb' !!!
Regarde dans sa présentation, tu comprendras : c'est un vétéran anglais de Darkdemon qui vient nous rendre visite.

Like I thought, your animations are excellents ! In particular the effects ! All of my congratulations ! :(top):
Angon Drage
Angon Drage

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2677
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 30/11/2008
Localisation : Cherche un shuriken dans un tas de katanas

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  groufou Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 13:22

Good job ;)

You are very strong in animations...

I think you are going in Expert or Intermèdiaire because, there is lack of colors :|

Masculin Nombre de messages : 500
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 19/10/2008
Localisation : Dans le lit de Sergeant Pepper avec Ropy' =D

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Dreizen Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 13:29

All right, for the moment, I have the aprobation of one upgrader so it's enough to place you in "intermediaire" directly.
But, Me and "Nouslacherons" think that your animations are great, you movements really beautifull.
You can go in expert if you do an other animation with nice effects or nice backgrounds.

But you go directly in "intermediaire", and I know you can go in expert in 7 days =)

Congratulations, the second .piv is AWESOME !!

And I'm sorry for my bad english ;)

Masculin Nombre de messages : 4623
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2008

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Ropy Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 13:38

Yeah ! Good Herpes, i love your animations !
you are the champion ^^ ! Is thread in Inter' for last time ...
Good job and good lucky ;) !


Masculin Nombre de messages : 2816
Age : 27
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2008
Localisation : Subir les insanités d'AC!D...

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  darkstick Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 14:28

English friend welcome greetings on this great forum

Masculin Nombre de messages : 943
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2008
Localisation : dans une boite en sapin...(vite aidez moi!)

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  illusion Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 14:39

Wow great ! your animations is really good, you have no problem white pivot, soon expert.
Good luck :(top):

Sorry bad englisch...

Masculin Nombre de messages : 294
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2008
Localisation : Dans ton frigo

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Twink Ven 2 Jan 2009 - 15:54

Did animation are really super.
But it lack of the scenery .

Good luck for the rest.

Masculin Nombre de messages : 741
Age : 26
Date d'inscription : 20/07/2008

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Lewk Sam 3 Jan 2009 - 7:27

Thank you everyone for the comments :]

I know that my lack of backgrounds is a bad thing, but when I use them my movements are terrible :C

My next animation will he a 3 way tournament round, against 2 other people who are much better than me. >:U

Merci chacun des commentaires
Je sais que mon manque de milieux est une mauvaise chose, mais quand je les emploie mes mouvements sont terribles
Ma prochaine animation il un tournoi de 3 manières rond, contre 2 autres personnes qui sont bien mieux que moi.

Nombre de messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2009

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  mhdlcm Sam 3 Jan 2009 - 12:02

thank you for translate :P
Your animations are very nice ! Good luck!

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1455
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008
Localisation : En train d'éssayer de parler à PyVoT sur msn et de fiquer avec Obi' sur le thème de Warhammer.

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Nutela Sam 3 Jan 2009 - 22:05

Bravo, c'est plutot impressionant.
Tu as une physique vraiment génial,et une super fludité.
Bon easing aussi ;)

On reconnait le style de DD.

Depuis combien de temps tu utilises pivot ?
How long have you used pivot ?

Very great job <3

Masculin Nombre de messages : 3394
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2007
Localisation : En général les gens rigolent en apprenant que mon village s'appelle Couilly... (authentique)

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  plutonium Sam 3 Jan 2009 - 22:50

good anims guy !
it's sweet and the physic is good, I like your style^^

goob work ;)

Masculin Nombre de messages : 8646
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2007
Localisation : tu me vois, tu sais ou je suis (putaaaain ma logique me fascine...)

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Victortol Dim 4 Jan 2009 - 11:46

(Jsuis pas fort en anglais mais pas grave)

Hello your anims is very good ! GoodGame bye =s

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1004
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2008

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  PyVoT Jeu 8 Jan 2009 - 12:10

Hey , When we go to DarkDemon nobody's speaking in english , that's the proof that we're Damnly much Symphatic than Them .

So , you're animations are Super , and I think You should go in Expert category , 'cause your Physic' and Smooth Are Fucking great !
But , yeah lack of background ... You can do an animation without backgrounds and Up expert If you put many Beautifull effects In !

So good luck , see you soon on Expert !

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2564
Age : 28
Date d'inscription : 20/06/2008
Localisation : Présent

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Lewk Jeu 5 Fév 2009 - 23:10

New animation!

Animations 1233398435

it was made for a heavy spacing competition =]

Forgive my not posting, I forgot about this place :lol:

Nombre de messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2009

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Sergeant Pepper Ven 6 Fév 2009 - 2:35

Seems to be good stuff. Still, you can't judge on a heavy-spaced animation, and you perfectly know why: 'cause smoothness is the most important thing into an animation's quality. And in that case, I can't even see how coherent the movements are.
So yeah, it's a very cool animation, but I personnally don't like heavy-spacing, bad news for you.
BUT I can however tell you that the kick really looks bad. I mean, it's like all stiffy and really unrealistic (talking about the movement itself, not the heavy-spacing)

PS: Welcome back in pivot-land. Now you shall suffer from my divine judgement...

Sergeant Pepper
Sergeant Pepper

Masculin Nombre de messages : 1584
Age : 32
Date d'inscription : 29/02/2008
Localisation : In the land of the New Rising Sun...

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Leos Ven 6 Fév 2009 - 17:43

Woaw ! It's... woaw. :) I find that you are the rank "expert" ! Go on like that ! \o/

But It's too much heavy space for me, just a little. :D

Sorry for my bad english. ^^"

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2428
Age : 31
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2008
Localisation : Je sais pas, mais j'y suis, et tout le monde approuve!

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Lewk Dim 8 Fév 2009 - 6:11

Sergeant Pepper a écrit:Seems to be good stuff. Still, you can't judge on a heavy-spaced animation, and you perfectly know why: 'cause smoothness is the most important thing into an animation's quality. And in that case, I can't even see how coherent the movements are.
So yeah, it's a very cool animation, but I personnally don't like heavy-spacing, bad news for you.
BUT I can however tell you that the kick really looks bad. I mean, it's like all stiffy and really unrealistic (talking about the movement itself, not the heavy-spacing)

PS: Welcome back in pivot-land. Now you shall suffer from my divine judgement...


Thanks for the criticism =]
Yes, I overdid the movements on this one a bit xD

leos a écrit:Woaw ! It's... woaw. :) I find that you are the rank "expert" ! Go on like that ! \o/

But It's too much heavy space for me, just a little. :D

Sorry for my bad english. ^^"

o.O I don't think I'm quite that good yet, but thanks =D

Nombre de messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 02/01/2009

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Yann2 Dim 8 Fév 2009 - 7:08

I find your brilliant style, it is fluid, it is nervous and rather original. I like the last well. Go on has enliven Yann ² (grieved for English...)

Masculin Nombre de messages : 268
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 20/11/2008
Localisation : Dans ton ...

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  Dreizen Dim 8 Fév 2009 - 8:40

Lewk a écrit:New animation!

Animations 1233398435

it was made for a heavy spacing competition =]

Forgive my not posting, I forgot about this place :lol:

I'm a bit like the crual Sergeant Pepper, I don't really like the heavy space.
But the movements are still good.

You should do a longest animation with the best easing, smooth, and more backgrounds and beautiful effects, because the expert is soon.

Good luck !

Masculin Nombre de messages : 4623
Age : 30
Date d'inscription : 29/04/2008

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

Message  aisensuske Ven 13 Fév 2009 - 23:20

your animation it's very very exeptionel maybe you're in darckdemon but it's very fluide and the phisycquel is magnifique so good night

Masculin Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 29
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2008
Localisation : chez moi quelque part

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Animations Empty Re: Animations

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