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Forum français consacré au logiciel Pivot Stickfigure Animator
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 Hello :D

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2014

Hello :D Empty
MessageSujet: Hello :D   Hello :D Icon_minitimeLun 20 Jan 2014 - 18:24

Hello :D I69EXBkBsHjfi

Plz Speak English, if you can ok?
I'm Brazillian :D
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Masculin Nombre de messages : 2478
Age : 26
Date d'inscription : 12/12/2010
Localisation : Paris

Hello :D Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hello :D   Hello :D Icon_minitimeSam 1 Fév 2014 - 17:05

Well, that's really good! Like REALLY good !
The legs shake and jerk a bit at some times, but it's okay (:

This is a french forum, so even if it's unpractical put your message in a translator and copy it under your original message, it would be easier for some of us don't understand english.

And if you could introduce yourself in the section "Presentations", we'd be happy to say welcome to you (:

You from DarkDemon or PivotAnimation ?
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